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Michael E. Cain
Attorney & Counselor at Law
(575) 541-6110
Southern New Mexico/Cain Law

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Criminal Defense
Criminal Defense
Again, we are among the only attorneys in the area to properly use our investigator to your advantage. It is literally the thing that separates us from all of the other multitude of attorneys out there. We have an outstanding reputation with the Courts and with the District Attorneys in the area. They know that when we present them with a legal or factual weakness in their case, it is time for them to either dismiss the case or to begin serious negotiations.
With felony cases, our investigator fees are built into our costs. You are getting both an attorney and an investigator for less than most other attorneys charge for just their services.
We also use a “tier” system for pricing our criminal cases. Other attorneys will brag that they “only charge one price, whether it goes to trial or not.” What they are not telling you is that 90-95% of all criminal cases never go to trial. They end up being dismissed after proper motions are filed, or a favorable plea agreement is reached. Therefore, we only charge ½ of the total fee if the case resolves without going to trial. If we need to go to trial, then you pay the other half. This saves our clients tens of thousands of dollars.